Monday, 26 August 2013

My Bank Holiday Weekend

Bank holidays are a wonderful creation.  Everyone is so much happier and nicer at the prospect of a longer weekend and shorter working week and we all feel somewhat compelled to arrange activities outside of our usual routine that we wouldn't do any other time!
I'm potentially the least outdoorsy person I know - I own not a single pair of jeans or a fleece and I suffer a minor meltdown at the sight of a spider or wasp.  In spite of this I find myself on a camping trip every August. I'm telling you, bank holidays do strange things to people. 

This year we decided we would go to Austwick, North Yorkshire. 

We didnt get off to the best start when upon arrival after work on Friday night, in the rain, we headed over to the toilet blocks, which were of questionable cleanliness and full of spiders and the biggest daddy-longlegs I've ever seen! I did wonder how I would get through the 3 days at that point! 

Waking up to glorious sunshine and ready for a day of exploring the local area, I didn't even complain (too much) about the freezing cold shower.
We went to Settle for the day, and did one of my favourite things - spent hours wandering around all of the unusual little shops.  So in love with the quirkly little boutiques was I, that I saw Boots and didn't even want to go in!
Settle is a peculiar place; it could be any little northern market town, but it is slap bang in the middle of the most beautiful scenery and interesting landscape. It's hilly and a real pain to drive around but it's well worth the effort.

On Sunday we had a really lovely Sunday Lunch at The Harts Head Inn, in Giggleswick.  It was an unusually perfect combination of olde worlde charm and excellent food. Plus the desserts were amazing: Lemon Ice Cream Brûlée. I can't even describe...

We then decided to go Malham, to see the Cove and the Tarn and following a really rather difficult drive there on single track lanes and 14% inclines we made it to the beautiful tarn where we had a long walk and then sat in the sunshine for a while contentedly drinking Elderflower and Blackberry juice.  We had a drive up more treacherous roads to see Malham cove and then went back into the village to the most beautiful pub, where we sat at a table outside and watched the world go by for a little while. 

We all had a really fun and relaxing weekend, and North Yorkshire is stunning, but I can't describe how ready I am for a hot shower, a warm comfy bed, and phone reception!

Hope you enjoyed having a little nosey at what I got up to this weekend.
What did you spend your bank holiday doing?


  1. Giggleswick! What a name! Makes me giggle haha :-D Absolutely gorgeous photos, looks beautiful. Glad you had a fab time!

    Jess /

    1. Helloo thanks for stopping by :) Haha I know, it sounds like it could be from Harry Potter or something! It was indeed lovely!
      My hair is rejoicing the return to normality and a deep condition though, there's only so much dry shampooing-shower-avoiding you can get away with hehe! Xx
